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Friday, May 8, 2009

German Shepherd Information

General Description
The German Shepherd is a strong, agile dog with a well-muscled build and an overall appearance that denotes liveliness, nobility, and quality. The breed’s well-balanced body is just longer than it is tall, and its outline consists of smooth curves as opposed to angles. They are substantial, fit, and solid, but they are not bulky or cumbersome. Their neck is well-muscled, sturdy, and clean-cut, and its length is in direct proportion to the size of the dog’s head. They have a straight, strong back that is short by comparison, and their high-set withers slope gently into their level topline. The chest of this breed is well-filled, deep, and capacious, and the well-sprung ribs are long and carried down to the sternum. Their abdomen is firm and moderately tucked up into the loin. They have long, obliquely angled shoulder blades that lie flat, and their upper arms are well-muscled. The thickly padded feet are short, compact, and feature a set of well-arched toes and dark nails. Thighs of this breed are broad and strong, and their croup is gradually sloping. The head of the German Shepherd is chiseled, clean-cut, and noble, and its size is in proportion to the size of the dog’s body. Males of this breed have distinctly masculine facial features, while females have distinctly feminine facial features. Their medium-sized, almond-shaped eyes are obliquely set and dark in color. They have moderately pointed ears that are erect and set parallel to one another. The breed’s forehead is somewhat arched, and their skull slopes downward into their long, wedge-shaped muzzle. Their stop is abrupt and pronounced, and their nose is black in color. They have strong, well developed jaws and their complete set of teeth close in a scissors bite. The ideal coat of the German Shepherd is a medium-length double coat. This double coat consists of a dense, straight, harsh outer layer that is close-fitting. The head, legs, and paws of this breed are covered with short hair, while the hair about the neck is longer and thicker. Coat colors of this German Shepherd vary greatly, but rich, strong colors are preferred.

The German Shepherd has outstanding abilities as a working dog. They are fearless, eager, and alert, and they are very obedient. They are confident, serious, and possess strong learning abilities. The breed is known for its courage and loyalty. They love to be close to their family, but they are sometimes leery of strangers. Because of their strong protective instincts, the German Shepherd should be properly trained and extensively socialized to prevent over-guarding. Aggressive behavior within this breed is due to a combination of poor breeding and training. German Shepherds are almost always good with other pets, and they are excellent with children. It is important for potential owners of this breed to buy specimens from a reputable breeder

Size 22 – 26 inches 24-29 in

Weight 77 – 85 pounds 75-95 pounds
Females weigh around 60-85 lbs.
big males weigh about 75 - 100 lbs

General Health
Like many other large dog breeds, the German Shepherd is prone to hip and elbow dysplasia. Potential owners of this breed should ensure that both parents have had their hips certified. Other health concerns include blood disorders, digestive problems, keratitis (inflammation of the cornea), dwarfism, chronic eczema, and flea allergies. The German Shepherd typically lives for about 13 years.

The German Shepherd sheds lightly throughout the year and heavily during shedding season. The breed’s coat should be brushed daily in order to remove dead and loose hair. To avoid the depletion of natural skin oils, the German Shepherd should only be bathed once or twice per year.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

English Bulldog Information

Although Bulldogs have comparatively small statures, they are stout, exceptionally sturdy, and widely built. They have muscular legs that are set squarely and contribute to the breed’s “waddle”. Their heads are thick and very large-sized with cheeks that reach the sides of their eyes. The Bulldog’s muzzle is short and pug and features a broad black nose with wide nostrils. Their upper lips are pendent and close over an undershot lower jaw. Bulldogs have round dark eyes that are set far apart and a pair of small, thin ears that are folded back. Their short tails are carried low. The coat of this breed exists in a number of colors including red, washed-out red, white, brindle, pale yellow, or fawn. Many coats of this breed are a mixture of several of the above colors.

Despite Bulldogs’ “grumpy” facial expression, they are one of the kindest and gentlest of all dog breeds. They seek human affection and are constantly striving for attention. Owners of this breed should make sure to devote time and energy to this breed so they don’t become lonely. Bulldogs make excellent family pets and they usually get along well with other pets, but they can become leery or feisty towards strange dogs. As puppies, Bulldogs are very vibrant and full of energy, but they mellow out and slow down as they become older. Bulldogs are known for their guarding abilities, but they do not attack people. This breed drools and snores very loudly.

Size 12 – 16 inches 18 inches

Weight 49 – 55 pounds
Females tend to be considerably smaller and more petite than boys. Females, when fully developed, tend to weigh 5-10 pounds less than comparably aged boys. The heads of boys are generally larger than Females. And the boys' bodies and build are typically referrd to as the breed standard. Shortly after birth, it is common for the boys' heads to be large. The bodies grow into the head size. Females are the reverse. Bodies are typically larger than the heads at birth. Over time, a bitch's head will "grow into" the body porportonately.

General Health
Because of the Bulldog’s pug nose, he is susceptible to breathing problems. Some Bulldogs also have small windpipes. Poor eyesight is also a health concern for this breed. Bulldog puppies are often delivered by caesarian section because of their massive heads. Bulldogs are prone to flatulence that may offend some people. They also are more likely than most other dog breeds to develop skin infections or suffer from heat stroke. Bulldogs have a life span that varies, but the average is 13 years. This breed averages 4 to 5 puppies per litter.
Can live for over 14 years.

Dachshund Information

General Description
The Dachshund is a small hound breed with a long, well-muscled body and stout, short limbs. They possess an intelligent expression and they carry themselves quite proudly. Their body features a protruding sternum and a retracted abdomen. Their head is elongated, their skull is slightly convex, and their long muzzle features a robust set of jaws. Their teeth close in a scissors bite and their oval-shaped eyes are dark in color. They have arched prominent eyebrows and long ears that are mobile and hang toward the cheeks. The breed’s tail is carried in the line of the back. There are three varieties of Dachshund: short-haired, long-haired, and wire-haired. Within each of these varieties, there are three different sizes. The coat of the Dachshund is glossy, sleek, and consistent. It can be solid, bi-color, piebald, speckle-streaked, or harlequin. Solid-colored Dachshunds are tan or yellow, while bi-color Dachshunds are deep black, brown, or gray with chestnut markings.
The Dachshund is affectionate and full of energy. Their proud, bold demeanor sometimes borders on abrasive, but their clownish streak usually makes up for their willfulness. They are courageous, mischievous, and have a tendency to try and train their owner(s). The breed is loyal and devoted to their family, and gets along quite well with older, more considerate children. They are a good breed to travel with, and they generally live happily with other pets. They have been known, however, to get jealous and irritable towards other animals. All varieties of the Dachshund are comparatively difficult to train. They enjoy barking and they sometimes refuse to be handled. They have moderate protective instincts. Many owners and breeders of the Dachshund say that the wire-haired variety is more outgoing and goofy and that the long-haired variety is calmer.
Size 12 - 18 inches
Dachshund's usually have about 2/1'2 to 3 inch legs.Some are sometimes about 14 to 15 tall.They vary in size depending on what type of breed the're mixed with.But athough they are very active,their bone structure in their legs are unable to hold up the amount of weight they have if they fall.
Weight 8 - 20 pounds
6-35 lbs this is the weight for minis to standards
General Health
The Dachshund is susceptible to spinal disc problems that may lead to paralysis. Other health concerns include the onset of heart disease, urinary tract problems, and diabetes. The Dachshund should not be overfed because of its propensity to put on weight and become lazy. Overfeeding the Dachshund will put unnecessary strain on the dog’s back, and it will also contribute to the onset of a number of serious health risks. This breed typically lives for 12 to 15 years.