General Description
The German Shepherd is a strong, agile dog with a well-muscled build and an overall appearance that denotes liveliness, nobility, and quality. The breed’s well-balanced body is just longer than it is tall, and its outline consists of smooth curves as opposed to angles. They are substantial, fit, and solid, but they are not bulky or cumbersome. Their neck is well-muscled, sturdy, and clean-cut, and its length is in direct proportion to the size of the dog’s head. They have a straight, strong back that is short by comparison, and their high-set withers slope gently into their level topline. The chest of this breed is well-filled, deep, and capacious, and the well-sprung ribs are long and carried down to the sternum. Their abdomen is firm and moderately tucked up into the loin. They have long, obliquely angled shoulder blades that lie flat, and their upper arms are well-muscled. The thickly padded feet are short, compact, and feature a set of well-arched toes and dark nails. Thighs of this breed are broad and strong, and their croup is gradually sloping. The head of the German Shepherd is chiseled, clean-cut, and noble, and its size is in proportion to the size of the dog’s body. Males of this breed have distinctly masculine facial features, while females have distinctly feminine facial features. Their medium-sized, almond-shaped eyes are obliquely set and dark in color. They have moderately pointed ears that are erect and set parallel to one another. The breed’s forehead is somewhat arched, and their skull slopes downward into their long, wedge-shaped muzzle. Their stop is abrupt and pronounced, and their nose is black in color. They have strong, well developed jaws and their complete set of teeth close in a scissors bite. The ideal coat of the German Shepherd is a medium-length double coat. This double coat consists of a dense, straight, harsh outer layer that is close-fitting. The head, legs, and paws of this breed are covered with short hair, while the hair about the neck is longer and thicker. Coat colors of this German Shepherd vary greatly, but rich, strong colors are preferred.
The German Shepherd has outstanding abilities as a working dog. They are fearless, eager, and alert, and they are very obedient. They are confident, serious, and possess strong learning abilities. The breed is known for its courage and loyalty. They love to be close to their family, but they are sometimes leery of strangers. Because of their strong protective instincts, the German Shepherd should be properly trained and extensively socialized to prevent over-guarding. Aggressive behavior within this breed is due to a combination of poor breeding and training. German Shepherds are almost always good with other pets, and they are excellent with children. It is important for potential owners of this breed to buy specimens from a reputable breeder
Females weigh around 60-85 lbs.
big males weigh about 75 - 100 lbs
Like many other large dog breeds, the German Shepherd is prone to hip and elbow dysplasia. Potential owners of this breed should ensure that both parents have had their hips certified. Other health concerns include blood disorders, digestive problems, keratitis (inflammation of the cornea), dwarfism, chronic eczema, and flea allergies. The German Shepherd typically lives for about 13 years.
The German Shepherd sheds lightly throughout the year and heavily during shedding season. The breed’s coat should be brushed daily in order to remove dead and loose hair. To avoid the depletion of natural skin oils, the German Shepherd should only be bathed once or twice per year.
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