An American Cocker is the USA version of the English classic.
Height, weight: it shouldn't be over 38,7 cm high; weighs around 14 kg.
Fur, color: short and fine hair on the head, medium size on its body and longer on the sides and on its stomach. Color black, golden, chocolate-brown, or black and fiery. One, or two of these colors, may also be combined with white.
Appropriate for: capricious people who love elegance, willing to brush them every single day, and for the fond people that love the canine expositions.
Not Appropriate for: those who are not willing to brush them when they come back from their walks.
As a member of the family: a good companion, is not a good guardian but a good companion to all the members of the family. They are prohibited, from the first day, to have any extra special treats, and much less from the table. If you allow it from the beginning, you'll have a problem and it'll be the first one to be at your table, even before you set out the tablecloth.
Breed's character: happy and stable. To be able to train it, you must not let it get away with doing whatever it wants by using its charm, you'll get carried away with its adorable face, which it loves to use as sweetener.
Common sicknesses: otitis, has a tendency to obesity. And in the summer, dry spikes may introduce into its skin, causing it to get infections.
Life expectancy: 14 years or more.
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