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Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Favourite types of dog breeds

The Top 5 favourite types of dog breeds in the US are:
Labrador Retriever - The Fisherman's Friend
Breed Origins: Canada
Breed usage: Hunting Small Game
Dog Weight: 55 - 70 Pounds
Dog Height: 22.5 to 24.5 inches to the shoulder
Cost of Puppies: From $700 US Dollars

Golden Retriever The World's Most Popular Dog
Breed Origins: England (1800's)
Breed usage: Hunting Small Game - retrieving
Dog Weight: 60 - 80 Pounds
Dog Height: 21 to 25 inches to the shoulder
Cost of Puppies: From $500 US Dollars

German Shepherd - The Alsatian Wolf Dog
Breed Origins: Germany ( 700's )
Breed usage: Herding and guarding sheep
Dog Weight: 75 - 95 Pounds
Dog Height: 24 to 26 inches to the shoulder
Cost of Puppies Cost of puppies varies depending on location, breeder and pedigree history

BeagleDachshund " The Snoopy Dog! "
The Labrador Retriever is the Number 1 type of dog breed in the USA, Canada and UK!
Breed Origins: England ( 1400's)
Breed usage: Hunting Small Game - rabbit and hare
Dog Weight: 18 - 30 Pounds
Dog Height: 13 to 15 inches to the shoulder
Cost of Puppies: From $250 US Dollars