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Saturday, July 11, 2009

pets Horoscopes 2009


SYMBOL: The Crab
Welcome to 2009 sensitive Crabs. This is your year, unlike Gemini who must move with changes; this is your time to take care of you. This could mean you may be the sole pet or perhaps move up in ranking and be the alpha dog or cat. Whatever takes place this rocky year you can bet it will be for your best interest. And hey, speak up if your humans don't get it-that this year is about you.

Winter: When February hits your humans may have to pay for an extra treat or vet bill for you. Don't feel guilty. It's not your fault, you're only animal. Be a good pet and accept the extra treatment with a wag of a tail, purr, or show some sign of appreciation.
Spring: The New Moons may play games with your tender emotions. Try and let it go, whatever it is-a new pet, a new person. In fact, you may even want to do the Crab retreat to show your feelings and then everything will get back to normal and on even keel.
Summer: Due to the two Eclipses in July and Full Moon you may notice something is changing and it will affect you. Maybe your fave pet is gone or your fave human but you will get through this rough patch and do it with flying colors-life a Crab with super self-preservation skills.
Fall: You have endured 2009 and in December you may embrace pet pals more than ever before...Of course, a few power struggles may come into play but you'll survive. And remember, 2010 is going to roll in with stronger relationship ties-and that's what Crabs are made of, right?

PLANETS AND PETS:Your sensitive nature picks up on everything going on around you and you really don't want to play "Pitiful Pearl" to get attention, but your people have been stressed most of 2008 and you probably want to hide in a cupboard till May 2009 when Mars helps release the pressure they are feeling. Leave a food trail in case they want your loving. The last seven months of 2009 will be filled with new people, ideas and change for your companions leading into a great New Year.